pengenalan teknologi
pend1. Individual (10 mark)
- Create one blog used Weebly
- Choose one subject (create education blog)
- At least have 5 topic
+ include video
+ Question
+ Topic under your name
+ URL must change into real name. easier to find.
- Have new side + link your friends + chatbox + lesson schedule
2. Individual (10 mark)
- Create 3D model
- Make sure you know what the meaning of 3D (similar like actual thing but in tiny)
- Have target. (make them used for kid / society and so on.
- The 3D model should have their containers.
3. Produce a leather book (10 mark)
- Can used different Technic with is like gesture/ black and white and so on.
4. Grouping
- Teacher will give the topic
- Create a video + dubbing